Things that irritate me are often because of other peoples stupid actions but mostly it’s the fault of ole Allison herself. The following is a list of things that irritate me and let’s see if you can identify with any of them. (only three this blog).
I can’t stand when someone is walking through a pedestrian crossing when I am waiting to turn on a green light. Now, I also can’t stand when someone is getting irritated at me when “I” am walking through a crosswalk and they need to turn. That sounds self centered but it does not come without justification. When “I” walk though a crosswalk and someone is waiting to turn, I walk as quickly as possible; without running. I end my crosswalk journey with a gracious wave to the waiting driver acknowledging his suffering. A way to say thank you for all the time he has wasted waiting for my manual transportation to kick in. That is the least I could expect for when “I” am now the waiting driver. But noooooooooooooo. I get the “I have the right of way” person who saunters slowly through the crosswalk. They are showing me that they can do as they please because they have the right of way and I can do nothing about it. And they do get to do that and I can do nothing about it. That just pisses me off. (THERE FAULT)
I need to get up Monday morning at 5am and I usually get up around 8am. I can usually get up at 8am on my own body alarm so I set my cell phone alarm for 5am. My cell phone alarm is the bomb. It’s loud and never lets me down during a power surge or a power outage. It goes off with a hitch. Monday morning I roll over in bed, hit one ten minute snooze button. Ten minutes later it goes off again without a hitch. This time I hit the dismiss button. Everything worked out fine and nothing could be wrong, right? Wrong. Tuesday morning I am ripped from my REM dream state by the ring tone “Calypso.” I had forgotten to turn the stupid thing back to off mode. Well I roll over and hit the dismiss button. I intend to change the alarm settings in my phone when I get up. It’s Wednesday morning and I am torn from the winning lottery ticket in my dreams when the horrible sounds of that “Calypso” start pelting my brain. If anyone knows anything about the brain you will know that sound is interpreted in the brain by measurements of sound called patterns. These patterns are interpreted by one part of the brain and another part of the brain assigns meaning to that sound. I say dog, it’s a pattern of sound. But at a different level it triggers a picture of a dog. Easy enough right? Needless to say, the next morning the alarm went again. I was awakened from a dream where I was trapped on deserted island run by someone who made me there slave. I had just read an article online about Calypso and Odysseus and wondered if this was why. Is it going to be that every time I hear Calypso I will be assigning my brain to being a slave like Odysseus? (MY FAULT)
Next, the dreaded driving slow in the fast lane. Remember when the fast lane used to be called the PASSING LANE! I am sure that is the cause of most of the road rage on this planet, by far. I mean “PLANET” people. I can almost see Yuri on the streets of Kiev screaming “Отодвиньтесь”, Marcela in Rio de Janeiro yelling “Mova”, or Claus, from Hamburg, trying to make it to work on time screaming “Bewegen Sie über.” Anywhere you go; there will be people who are driving slowly in the PASSING LANE. People just do not understand the reasoning behind passing lanes. It is not intended to promote speeding. Say you are behind a truck in a 65 mph zone. You are going 65mph but you do not want to be behind the truck because of the visibility factor. You want and probably should, pass the truck going 70 mph to regain your visibility. Oh, but what if someone is in the passing lane. They still do not understand that this is the passing lane. You can not get your visibility back and you’re paying for it too. (Will discuss this later) I am not suggesting that everyone go out and speed but the mph is put out by the state for a reason and it’s not so they can get money on speeding tickets. The theory behind mph goes something like this. Every year millions and millions of your tax dollars are spent rating highways for your safety. They look at the road itself, its angles, forward visibility (day and night), amount of drivers per day, times, etc… Then they assign a mph for your safety. Let me get this straight: My money (taxes) goes to make the roads, fix the roads, access the roads, and then police the roads. Then I can get ticketed on them too. All I can say is this. If I need to pass someone and someone is driving slowly in the fast lane the scenario will go something like this. Get the hell out of my passing lane, you bitch, or I will run your ass over. (THERE FAULT)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
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I'm irritated at being irritated over irritating things.
I hate the slow walkers thru the crosswalk too. Why can't they just go faster. Greedy bastards.
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